My Blog

Random thoughts, ideas, stuff from around the web…
Whatever strikes my fancy…

WRX STI vs. StickBomb

WRX STI vs. StickBomb

This is fun. I don’t know how effective it will be selling the WRX, but it is a cool video. Yes, sure it’s a gimmick, and even though the video is exciting, making you feel like something is always happening, is it enough to compel a casual viewer to sit...

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Don’t Get Comfortable

Don’t Get Comfortable

This is exactly the kind of marketing maverick I want to work with. Let me tell you why...American Giant is the maker of the internet’s favorite hoodie. Do they stop there? No, they don’t. American Giant is not happy with being comfortable. Need...

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Have I mentioned these before?

Have I mentioned these before?

I think these Survival Straps are so cool. When I look at them, I immediately imagine some Indiana Jones scenario where having one would be so handy. Maybe it’s time to order one and head off on an adventure?

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Design is Sexy

Design is Sexy

Wow, as a follow up to yesterday’s post about good design being good for business Wired Magazine has an article about design having the power to make anything sexy...even dry cleaning! I bet this dry cleaning can now charge even more money for their...

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Good Design is Good For Business

Good Design is Good For Business

Analysis from the Design Management Institute, a Boston-based nonprofit focused on design management, puts numbers to what design junkies have known for a long time: design matters. What they found was that in the past 10 years, design-driven...

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Can Technology Help Us Survive A Zombie Apocalypse?

Can Technology Help Us Survive A Zombie Apocalypse?

I was asked to speak about technology for TEDx Chester River. So I thought that it would be fun to frame it in the context of the Zombie Apocalypse and explore ways technology could helps us in that situation. Let me acquaint you with the cutting-edge...

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How Does Google work?

How Does Google work?

Ever wonder how Google manages to search the entire web and return results in half a second? Well, the short answer? They have a ton of backend firepower and, you know, a few years of experience in the search game. For a more detail answer here is a video...

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This just saved me

This just saved me

This plugin just saved me a lot of time and headache: I was looking for something that would take me to the first or last post in WordPress. Using the previous_post_link() or next_post_link()...

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This is so true…

This is so true…

Especially when it comes to web design/development and mobile apps: “A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.” —Douglas Adams

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